frequently asked questions

Birth Doula Care

What is a birth doula?

A birth doula is a person trained and experienced in childbirth who provides continuous physical, emotional and informational support to the mother before, during and just after childbirth.

What is a doula monatrice?

A doula monatrice is a doula who has completed midwifery training. She is able to act as a midwife while you labor at home by listening to the baby's heart beat, taking your vitals, and performing cervical exams, as needed. This can provide reassurance to families while they labor at home before going to the hospital. 

Where does the word "doula" come from?

The word "doula" comes from ancient Greek, meaning "Woman's servant." Throughout history and in much of the world today, a cadre of women supports a woman through labor and birth, giving back rubs and providing continuous emotional support. Simply put, birth doulas know how to help a woman in labor feel better.

What effects does the presence of a doula have on birth outcomes?

Numerous clinical studies have found that a doula's presence at birth:

  • tends to result in shorter labors with fewer complications

  • reduces negative feelings about one's childbirth experience

  • reduces the need for pitocin (a labor-inducing drug), forceps or vacuum extraction

  • reduces the requests for pain medication and epidurals, as well as the incidence of cesareans

What effects does the presence of a doula have on the mother?

When a doula is present during and after childbirth, women report greater satisfaction with their birth experience, make more positive assessments of their babies, have fewer cesareans and requests for medical intervention, and less postpartum depression.

What effects do the presence of doulas have on babies?

Studies have shown that babies born with doulas present tend to have shorter hospital stays with fewer admissions to special care nurseries, breastfeed more easily and have more affectionate mothers in the postpartum period.

How can I find a doula in my area?

Night & Day San Diego offers birth doula care. We also suggest using DONA International's online doula locator or San Diego Birth Network

Does a doula make decisions on my behalf?

A doula does not make decisions for clients or intervene in their clinical care. She provides informational and emotional support, while respecting a woman's decisions.

Will a doula make my partner or family feel unnecessary?

No, a doula is supportive to both the mother and her partner, and plays a crucial role in helping a partner become involved in the birth to the extent he/she feels comfortable.

How much does a doula cost?

In San Diego, the range of doula fees is usually somewhere from $900-$2,900, if the doula does not have medical training. Doulas who have medical training and current licensure as an RN or midwife charge around $2,700-$4,000.

Our services range from $900(virtual care)-$3,300(in-person care with midwife aspects of support) divided into 2 payments. A 50% deposit is required to reserve your due date on our calendar and the remainder is paid at 36 weeks. This includes prenatal time together, continuous support during labor, and 1-2 postpartum visits.

We are experienced doulas who have completed DONA doula training and have completed midwifery training through Nizhoni Institute of Midwifery, a MEAC accredited school. 

I can't afford a doula, what should I do?

There are doulas working on certification who often provide quality care at a reduced fee. Some doulas are community doulas who offer reduced and low-cost options. Contact DONA international for a list of newer doulas. UCSD Medical Center also has a volunteer doula program.

Sarah is a certified doula through DONA, carries malpractice coverage, and otherwise meets requirements for most employer benefit plans offered at Qualcomm, Salesforce, Carrot fertility benefits, as well as PPO insurance plans with doula benefits such as Anthem and Tricare. Night & Day clients have also successful used FSA and HSA plans for doula care.